söndag 29 april 2012

Photo 7

Here is some more equipment for the students to try out. The teacher also gives away resources like a calculator and a thermometer to each student so that they can watch their energy usage. The information is very well produced and very easy to read. Students learn a lot from this experience.

photo 6

Outside the trailer there is a table with lots of information that students can take away with them to read later. Some of the topics are: recycling, water usage, electricity and gas usage, how to preserve the environment and how to make the workplace more energy efficient.

Photo 5

In this photo you can see that there are all types of taps and shower heads. The students use these to find out which type is most water efficient. They can turn them on and see for themselves. It is a very good strategy for learning. All of this is inside the trailer and students go in and experiement and discuss ideas with the teacher.

Photo 4

Here a student is looking at the energy ratings for various types of heaters and water heaters. The teacher will discuss these with the students and apprentices and they learn about what types of equipment are best to use in their homes and businesses. Students may not have the chance to learn this if the trailer did not come to their school or College.

Photo 3

Here are some of the appliances that we find in our homes. Students are encouraged to use these appliances and see how much energy they use. Some of them are very surprised at how much electrical energy a blow dryer uses. in this way the teachers hope to promote awareness of how we can change our behaviours and save energy. Students find this activity very helpful and interesting.

Photo 2.

This is what the trailer looks like from the front. It is pulled by a small truck. Because Australia is so big and spread out we often have to take resources like this to the communities, schools and colleges.The aim of the trailer is to promote awareness of environmental and sustainability issues amongst the students at the schools and the communities

lördag 28 april 2012

Photo 1.

Our local Institute of Technical and Further Education has built this mobile trailer as an experience for students and the community. It gives information about environmental sustainability and has a number of education and training resources which everyone can look at and use. People walk through the trailer and interact with the resources and the teacher