måndag 16 april 2012

Photo1 Animal house at Munkagård-Natural Resources School

Here lives many species of animals for exemple small rodents, snakes, tropical fish and large parrots. Munkagård school has more than 130 animal species which we use for educational purposes.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Goodness me that is a lot of animals to look after. Do the stduents help with this wrok?In our Rural Studies Centres in Australia we have many animals too. Most of these Study Centres have sheep and cattle as these are the main producers of meat in Australia and students need to learn to look after these animals.

  2. Thanks for your comment. Yes the students are involved with the animals throughout the week, this makes up a big part of there education. My personal responsibility is predominantly with the pets and zoo animals, but we also have a agricultural part to our school as well.


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