tisdag 10 april 2012

photo 2

This is a photo of a class in the subject Education and training of the Horse, which is a course the students at Real College can choose to take in the 2nd year. The students have here gathered inside the arena and the teacher is having a briefing to the students on what they should pay attention to during the class. Half of the students are Riding and the other half is meant to observe the riding students and reflect on what they can do different to help the horse and the rider work in a correct way and also reflect on what they are doing right. When half of the lesson is done the students swap so they all get to observe and ride.

7 kommentarer:

  1. What a fantastic teaching strategy Cecilia. The students are engaged in a real activity and providing feedback to their peers. This is very sound practice. Do you find this teaching strategy effective?

  2. Yes and No...some students that arent so forward in their ways and a bit insecure didnt get the same attention as they probably should, though this should ofcourse be up to the teacher to be attentive to, though in this case the teacher is not a school teacher but a riding teacher so she probably doesnt always see the students in the correct way.
    I do think it is a good way of learning to be able to reflect on your fellow students and then swap places with eachother.

  3. We find this too. Do you bring in riding teachers to work with the students? We have riding schools but they are privately run or run by the community. Students do not learn to ride in normal schools .

    1. Yes this is a privatly runned riding school and teachers which teach the students to ride. I have mixed feelings about this though as i think some students may not be treated fairly by the teachers as the teachears obvioulsy want the students also to ride in the riding school.

  4. How many students and horses are you managing at the same time?

    1. It varies between 3 and perhaps 8 in each class, depending on how many students turn up. In this particular school the student were never very enthusiastic about riding which is a bit sad as they dont really realize how lucky they are to have such wonderfull horses to ride.

  5. It is a pity that they dont understand how lucky they are to have these classes and such beautiful horses. Our students who attend clubs are always very enthusiastic and really enjoy the time they spend in their learning. But this is different to Sweden as the Australian students volunteer to go to class and this makes a big difference I think


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