söndag 15 april 2012

Photo 2

Here´s one student get some instructions before going out and plow

4 kommentarer:

  1. This is very interesting. What sort of instructions would you give them before they could go out alone?

  2. The instructor is with the first few times, in this photo is the student and instructor through the plow and the tractor so all is safe. Then the student goes out with the tractor on the field and instructor follow and ensures that he can started and plow is set correctly. If the student is unsure the instructor stay all the time and sit in the tractor.

  3. This is very much like what happens in Australia. It often takes quite a lot of practice to get this ploughing right. Do you find this with your students? What is the best method you have found for teaching them about safety?

  4. First grade, first term has all student tractor driving and they have to do tests both theory and practical. There is much safety both in terms of machines and self-protection equipment


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