onsdag 11 april 2012

Photo 4

One of the students is training how to show the horse in walk and trot, this is also one moment for the graduate in horse grooming.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Wonderful. How do you teach them theory of horse grooming? I would be interested to compare this with what we use in Australia.

  2. We use literature written by professional/experts in horses, and the theacher has long experience in horses. They also have workshops whit veterinarian, there the students can ask so many questions they want.

    (This answer would be so much easier to make in swedish!)

  3. Svara, I am sure it would be much easier in Swedish and you are doing very well with your English. What do the veterinarians focus on in their classes? Anything in particular?

  4. Thank you! Most of the questions from the students use to be about the horses training and physiology, so the veterinarians usually focus on that. Tne number one lesson is the horses normal value and how they can find that out. (Like the horses heartbeat (pulse) and breathing in rest).


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