söndag 15 april 2012

photo 5

Students have a lesson inside the arena. One students is lounging the other student. They are trying to practise balance and the student that is lounging is giving different movements for the student on the horse to do. The teacher is watching closely and making sure the students are safe and lounging in a correct way.

5 kommentarer:

  1. AGreat Photo. How does the teacher give the students directions and corrections? Does the activity stop and the teacher talks?

  2. the teacher in this case goes in the circle and give the student lounging som tips etc....then she went out of the circle and watched both students for a while. she only interfered when she thought it was necessary and kind of let the students do what they thought was good.

  3. This is ecellent. It is difficult to know sometimes when to interfer and when to stay quiet. How much training do the stduents need before they can do this kind of activity?

  4. theese students are in the second year but there are also students doing this thats less confident and then the teacher help them through it by standing beside them most of the time.

  5. Yes students learn at very different rates dont they.Building up their confidence is very important. In our clubs where students learn these things experienced people work with the students one on one as you do. They are always calm and this gives the students more confidence and keeps the horse calm too.
    Have you found this?


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