tisdag 10 april 2012

photo 1

This is a photo in front of the Riding school Bulycke, west of Gothenburg, where the practical and some theoretical horse subjects is taking place for the students that are studying Equine studies at Real college. The white buildings are the stables and the riding school arena is to the right. The students studying at the Real College have access to the riding school on Tuesdays and Fridays and they have two teachers working for the college, which also works for the private Riding school.  Most practical subjects are being taught here such as Horse husbandry, management and riding. The other subjects that the equine students need to study to get their college degree such as English, Swedish, biology etc. is being taught in the centre of Gothenburg on the college grounds. This means the student’s travel between college grounds and the Riding school grounds for the different subjects.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you for all this detail about the school and the courses.We do not have anything like this in Australia. Students here learn perhaps a lot more theory and do not have access to such beuatiful horses.

  2. Is there only horse in your school or is there another direction

  3. its all natural resource programmes but the horse students study all horse subject on the riding school premises so i have unfortunately not seen so much of the rest of the school.

  4. It is interesting that they learn horse husbandry as part of their courses. In some schools In Australia students can take this course but it does not happen very often. Where do your students get jobs when they finish their course?

  5. i dont really know, i have only been on a short work experience on this school and i have myself lived in england and only studied equine science and management in England where most student becomes grooms or stable managers when they are finsihed.


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