tisdag 10 april 2012

photo 3 and 4

Here is a photo of some students riding in the arena. As you can see the arena is big and light. To the right are the stands where the audience on competition days can sit and watch. The arena is split in two to be able to accommodate both dressage and jumping competitions. This is a very cold day in February the temperature outside is -12 but inside the arena it’s only about -3 degrees.

Here is a photo during a class in Education and training of the Horse. The students that aren’t riding are watching from the ground in the corner of the arena so that they don’t disturb or obstruct the riding students. The teacher is standing in the middle and she is telling the riding students what to do with their horses whilst the other students are watching and reflecting on the other students. There is also mirrors on the walls for the riding students to see themselves in, which may help them in their learning process.

5 kommentarer:

  1. This is excellent Cecilia and a wonderful way to learn. Some of these learning activities are provided by clubs and on farms in Australia. We dont have many special schools that teach all these skills.When they are available they are extremely expensive for the students. Do your students pay fees?

  2. No this course , Education and training of the horse is included in the swedish degree in natural resource management program. I think the riding school has made a deal with the school so that the students do some work for the riding school in exchange for use of the horses and the arena.

  3. This is excellent but we have nothing like this in Australia.
    Our young people go to riding schools or clubs that are run by private individuals or community groups. Students attend on the weekends. In some agricultural colleges students are allowed to take their own horses and ride them and care for them.Here at our University students from the country can bring their horses . Do you find that the mirros on the walls are helpful for students learning?

  4. Yes i do and even the students like to watch themselves in them. Its a brilliant way to help them correct themselves in their seats rather then the teacher tell them they need to correct themselves. Though the mirrrors are probably used mostly by students that are a bit more confident in their riding.

  5. It is an excellent idea and it gives the students the feedback they no improve.


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