söndag 15 april 2012

Photo 3

Review of the tractor before it´s time to head out on the field

3 kommentarer:

  1. Another very interesting photo.What do they do when they 'review' the tractor. In Australia there would be a lot of work that would need to be done before the students could do this. Is this the same for your students?

  2. these students are only first year so they only prepare the tractor, who checks oil, water, air, fuel, and it looks ok. when they go in the second and third year, the students learn to reprerar and servicing tractor

  3. This is the same as in Australia. The students learn all aboyu the operation of the machine before they learn to drive it. They also have to learn a lot about safety as there are accidents in Australia with tractors and so our students are taught how to avoid these. How do you teach about safety in your school?


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