måndag 16 april 2012

Photo 5

And here are a greeting from the students who were i charge of the renovation of this tractor.

6 kommentarer:

  1. How cute is this!!!! They obviously enjoyed their learning

  2. Yes, I enjoyed working whit this group of students.

  3. It is interesting to think about what contributes to enjoyment in working with groups. What did you enjoy most as the teacher of this group?

  4. Every student in this group showed an intrest for increasing their technical skills which made it easy for the students to cooperate with me and each other.

  5. I think that the teacher is very important in helping to make this good environment for students to learn. If the teacher is happy and enjoys teaching the technical skills this helps the students to learn.Do you demonstrate the technical skills to the students? We do this and then we get them to have a try and we supervise and help them. Do you do this?

    1. I try not to overdo the demonstration. I find it more important to supervise the students and that they try to reflect over the task.


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