onsdag 11 april 2012

Photo 6 and 7

In the school area there are two tracks, one outside and one inside, here the students can practice on speed (and balance), the horses love working out here!

6 kommentarer:

  1. i would love to come and practice my balance in speed here!!! it looks like so much fun :)

    1. Usualy it is a big smile on everybody!

  2. Wow again. We certainly dont have these facilities in our schools or colleges. What qualification do you students graduate with and where would they get jobs?

    1. The students will get an examen in "horsegrooming" and is able to work as a horse groom. They also get the knowledge for higher education studies primarily in the natural sciences, but also in other areas.

  3. This is excellent. Do most students get a job? In Australia I dont think we have any program like this and people who want to work with horses as grooms have to learn on the job. Some Universities offer these programs but it is usally part of a much larger degree in vetinerary sceince.

  4. If the students want to, they get a job, but it is not easy to find a job whit good salary and contract, I believe that most of them choose to get a higher education.


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