måndag 16 april 2012

Photo 3

It,s possible for the students to bring their own tractors from home during the course "Repairtechniques". When the students can work on their own tractor we find that they are well motivated and interested. In this case an old Massey-Ferguson 135 that the engine needs a renovation.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Yes if they bring their tractors from home they would be very interested in trying to repair them to a good standard.How much supervision does the teacher need to give the students?

    1. Quite a lot normally, you can`t really relax at any time. But at the same time it`s intensive and a lot of fun.

  2. Do the students have a chance to work as engine repairer when they have graduated?

    1. Yes, we have one graduation which is directed for emploment as a mechanic.

  3. do you know the what most students aim to work with in your programme?

    1. Mostly machineoperators and mechanichs. Often we find students as operators on excavators or dumperlorrys, it seems quite easy too get a job in that sector.

  4. Our students too would like employment as a mechanic when they finish their course. Many of our students are apprentices and so they are working as well as studying. Do your students work in industry as well while they are studying?

    1. We only have a few apprentices on this school so i don´t have much experience of that. The ordinary student spend at least 15 weeks minimum on workplaces outside the school.


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