söndag 15 april 2012

Photo 4

Classroom inside the barn, where we have some theory. It´s really great to have the classroom down the barn so you can easily go out and see or try out the practical.

4 kommentarer:

  1. What a lovely room for theory. We have rooms like this. What sort of theory lessons do you have and how ,long do they last? In Australia they would probably be two hours and then the students would go out into the farm and practice their skills.

  2. Most of the the theory is made up of the school building, but this room is also widely used most when we read about cows and sheep, (horse has a similar room over by the stables) The lessons are usually about 3 hours with coffee pause, and then we mix theory and practice . I work as a foreman in the barn so the lessons down here I usually care for
    Students have also shifts down in the barn where they work with an instructor and teach all barn routines

  3. Liliane this is excellent. Our lessons are about the same length as yours. Unfortunately we dont always have theory rooms near the animals themselves and students often have to leave the animals and go to another location.This can be a disadvantage as they learn to separate theory and practice.

  4. What sorts of teaching methods does the instructor use with your students?


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