måndag 16 april 2012

Photo 4

Here is the tractor dismantled for the renovation. The students works in teams of two to three students on each objects. When we have four or five tractors dismantled at the same time they have to learn that you have "your nuts and bolts at the right place"

6 kommentarer:

  1. They certainly would learn well in this situation. We do similar activities in Australia but sometimes there are parts left over and then there is a problem. Do you ever find this?

  2. It can bee quite exiting but if I only find the missing parts in good time it mostly ends well.

  3. It mostly ends well here too. We find that we have to give the students a lot of supoervision and gudiance during these practical sessions. Do you find this?

  4. I agree, i try too force the students too ask, ask, and ask again if the are unsure.

  5. I think it is wonderful to encourage students to ask questions. We do this too in Australia and our teachers find that this encourages students to learn and undersatnd.Asking questiuons certainly shows that the students are thinking. We find that it is important to create the right 'environment' for asking questions. Do you find this too?

  6. Yes, i try to have a relaxed relation with the students and to create an environment where we always and constantly discuss the matters that we are working with.


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