söndag 15 april 2012

Photo 6

All students learn to milk the cows even those who read machine/crops. Here are some first grade students who white a instructor doing the morning milking

14 kommentarer:

  1. what time is the morning milking?

  2. We start milking at 5:30 in the morning

  3. Goodness me. 5.30 in the morning. Do you do this in winter too?
    There seems to be a lot of machinery being used.Where do you sell the milk?

  4. Yes of course 365 days a year;) We have 10 milking machines we got a new parlor for 3 ½ years ago. Our milk goes to a small local dairy called Falköpings Dairy

  5. Is it the staff/teachers taking care of the cows during summer, or has the students a chance to get "employe" in summertime?

  6. The summer between year 2 and 3,the students practice at the school so we have a student almost every day, but not during the weekend and two weeks in July
    when the instructors are working by them self and we usually have one or two summer workers

  7. Liliane this is very interesting. We have cows in some agricultural schools but nowehere near as many as you do. Our teachers take it in turns to care for the animals when the holidays are on or someone is employed to do this job.

  8. Do your students have lessions after or between the milking pass?

  9. Yes they have, they are involved in milk to 7.30 and comes out at 15.30 again and have lessons in between, but not every day

  10. Rozzie and others - isn't this very impressive. Such an organization - very professional and the students are involved in a very serious way. What you you say Liliane, is your school unique or are there many other schools in Sweden working like this?

  11. No, my school is not unique. Most agricultural schools have their own farm, with cows, sheep, pigs, horses, or whatever they have for orientation

  12. Liliane, Ingrid's question is a very good one. I was thinking about the organisation of the school and I was also wondering when the school was set up .It would also be interesting to know about the 'philosophy' of the school and how the idea for this kind of school came about. Do you know anything aboyut these questions?

    1. Hello Lilian.
      I think it was interesting to hear that your students have lessions som days when they have milkingpass!
      On our school they never have lessions when they go for milkingpass, they work in the barn the hole day.

    2. Hi Ros
      Well, what can I write about the history but a little short: My school started in 1884, it has long been an agricultural education area around the town of Skara that my school is set.
      Already in 1912 the idea was born in an agricultural school farm, but it took until 1943, when then-principal of Skaraborg County Agricultural Society purchased the farm Uddetorp (namne of my school) National Agriculture the disposal of 1944, but wartime various rationing meant that there was a lengthy construction process, so that first the following year, 1945 students were able to make there entrance in the newly built school in the Uddetorp. Do not know if you understood this? Agricultural education in Sweden is an old tradition


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