söndag 15 april 2012

Photo 7

All agriculture students get a sponsor heifer that they follow for 3 years. It is very much appreciated, the students get to follow the heifers growth and see them inseminated and later watch them give birth and become cows

9 kommentarer:

  1. what happens to the heifers after the 3 years? :)

    1. They stay in the barn as cows, but the students have left school after 3 years

  2. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  3. Liliane, what a wonderful idea to follow the growth of the animals. Do they get very fond of them? In Australia we do something similar and students are also responsible for their food and their grooming.Do you find this an effective teaching strategy?

  4. I think it's a great way to get students to start working with the animals and get close to them, some become very attached to their calves and they come out after school and walk around with the calves. And we get very easily manageable cows

    It becomes specially to first wait for there calf to born and then join her for 3 years and even after graduation when they come to visit they want to see if their cow is still alive

  5. Isnt that wonderful Liliane. We often do this with our students too both in Technical and Vocational Colleges and in schools where students study agriculture. It certainly makes the students aware of the needs of the animals in their care. do you find this too?

  6. Yes I do, and many students need contact with the animals, the student will find a sense of security in the animals

  7. Yes i agree with you. Caring for animals teaches us a lot of things.

  8. Really like the picture as it brings back nice memories. Lovely animals.


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